A normal Savings Account is a savings account that provides an opportunity to grow deposits through savings and provides the ability to access customer accounts through integrated delivery channels i.e. Kilimobile, Agency Banking, ATM, and POS.
Multi-currency: TZS|USD|EURO|GBP etc
Initial opening Balance –TZS 20,000|FOREX 50
Minimum Operating Balance – TZS 10,000|FOREX 50
Earns interest on Deposit.
Interest Bearing Amount – TZS. 300,000|FOREX 500
Subject to transactional fee and monthly fee
Joint Operation is allowed
Security of Funds
Convenience of using integrated alternative channels
Convenience means of saving part of income
Earns interest as an incentive to saving
Any person above 18years.
Legal ID (NIDA ID/Voter’s ID/Driver’s License/Passport/Zanzibar National ID).
VEO/WEO Letter (if using ID’s apart from National ID).